Monday, August 22, 2011

And the ultrasound says...

Well, we had our ultrasound Friday past, and it says it's a girl! I'm super excited to not only add to my family, but to get ready to welcome "daddy's girl". Seeing the bond my wife has with her dad, makes me that much more excited to build this relationship with my own daughter. Sure, there will be several challenges, but what would parenthood be without them?

The ultrasound itself was great! We decided to bring the O-man with us to see his baby sister on the screen, and, well, it wasn't The Wiggles, so he was less then entertained. He was very fussy in the room, playing with the chair, tapping J's belly (which made for an interesting view on the monitor) and pulling the sticky gelly messed towels out of the laundry hamper. He did stop and look when he heard baby-girls heartbeat, as he usually does at our Midwife appointments! But, that's as entertained as he was. This ultrasound makes the pregnancy, and the upcoming arrival of our daughter even more exciting and real. J and I cannot wait to add a little girl to our family.

Just thought I'd share with you all our ultrasound update. I know this post is none too exciting, but I had a few minutes downtime at work, so I thought I'd throw up an update. Tomorrow, we are off to the midwife, so I'll be sure to give you all a head's up about how that went, and share a bit with you of how our date night went on Friday.

Until then, trust birth,

P.S. Thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Jack Layton, and all of Canada. Today, we lost a truly inspirational and caring politician. RIP Jack.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Out Comes the Snake!

Get your head outta your you know what ;)

There is a time in every man's life during his wife's pregnancy that he will learn about the dreaded "snake pillow". This curvy, apparently comfy, pillow helps offer J and her beautiful glowing belly get the rest they need to help baby grow and develop and prepare for his or her entry into the world.

This pillow will suddenly become your worst nightmare. Taking up the whole of the bed, and cuddling with YOUR wife. But alas, I know I will soon have her back, and will not only get to be in bed with J every night, but will be able to have newborn baby cuddles, and toddler O-man cuddles. Take that snake pillow! In a few short months, you will be back in storage, in the crevices of the storage room in the basement. You grin now, but you just wait :)

Now, back to you, my readers. The pillow really seems to be a great thing, and helps J get some rest at night. She is beautiful as ever these days. A beautiful woman, with a beautiful glow. The mother of my children, growing a beautiful baby to add to our family.

I'm really starting to enjoy blogging and writing (although you wouldn't guess it by my lack of posting lately). Things have been really busy at home. We bought a new house in May and with it came the mounds of work that need to be done: driveway poured, landscaping started, basement finished! It is really starting to take shape and we are happy as ever in our dream home. Room for the kids and dogs to play, and for J and I to enjoy some R&R (albeit infrequently!).

I see letting you all in on my life as a way to share the wonderful gift of fatherhood that I have been given. It's a way for me to share the joys in my life, and lets me get time to myself, to really digest and put into words what I am feeling about certain things.

Next week Friday, we go for the ultrasound. This time around, J and I have decided we'd like to find out the gender of our baby. I feel that it'll help me connect better with my unborn child, and it'll also help us prepare a bit more for his or her arrival. I'll be sure to share with you everything about this first ultrasound, from the procedure, to O-man's reaction to seeing a "baby" on the screen!

Until next time everyone!

Trust birth,

P.S. We had another midwife appointment at the end of July! All is going great, the hearbeat was at 140 bpm and baby is growing quite nicely. We talked about homebirth options with Jessica, and hopefully this baby will want to be born in the pool like we had planned with the O-man!