Friday, May 31, 2013

Saska(tchewan) Dads Day Photo Contest

Alright, in honour of Father's day it's time to look around the province and find out why the dad in your life is the best with our Saskatchewan Dad's Day Photo contest. Email ( your favourite photo of the dad in your life with his kids and tell me why he is such a great dad. Photo's will be uploaded to this page and to Boot Camp for New Dads SK on Facebook for the province to see all of the great dads in our great province. By providing your photo, you are consenting to its use for promotion of the contest and publishing through the mediums above. A random draw will be made on Father's Day from all submissions for a prize. Good luck!

In fatherhood,

My  kids and I, Dads Day 2012

Monday, May 27, 2013

SK Father Involvement Network

I'm really excited for this new project I am embarking on (with a great group of "advisors", I might add). We are heading on a journey of starting Saskatchewan's own Father Involvement Network. What is it? Who will we serve? Well, I hope to answer those questions right shortly once I write up my report from our first meeting this past Friday.

Stay tuned here for updates as they come in.

In fatherhood,