I thought a way to help me post regularly would be to have daily/weekly topics to share with you all. The posts thus may not be as long as you are used to, but nonetheless, I hope you will enjoy them. The Fatherhood adventure is such an amazing one, that it is hard to put into words. In the two years (almost) he has been with us, the little O-man has taught me so much about being a man and a dad. Sure there are frustrating days, but laying with him at bedtime, reading a story, closing the book and looking in his eyes to hear "ni-ni daddy" make this whole thing so worthwhile, and more!! I couldn't be more lucky to have a son like O, and now a daughter like Miss E. Perfect!! To say I am a lucky man is an understatement. A beautiful, loving wife and two amazing kids make me a very, happy daddy!
Now, onto the weekly segment. Learning with the O-man is amazing. Each day, I see new things through his eyes and am inspired. From the great (and sometimes frustrating) days of potty training, to the new words he learns every day, brings me to the Word of Wednesday with the O-man. J and I really have no idea where he learns these from, but have had to teach ourselves to watch our tongues, or spell (for now, it's probably only a matter of time) some words when talking about various things. I really find toddler language amazing, we'll chat more about that another time.
Today's Word of Wednesday as brought to you by the O-man is "nuh-uh". I know it isn't really a word, but it is one that J and I are really curious about where he learned it from. Any thoughts?
Until next time everyone, trust birth.
Yours in fatherhood,
What a great post. Looks like we have kids similar in age. I must agree, nothing so sweet as hearing your 2 year old say "Nigh Nigh Daddy." God bless, man...thanks for doing what you do.