Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Little Man

Approximately 2 years and 2 hours ago, my wife and I welcomed our little boy into our lives. We had a beautiful home birth on that day two year's ago, and he arrived as perfect as can be into our little house. 

To say time has flown by would be an understatement. I really cannot believe that he is two already, chatting up a storm daily, discovering new things, taking new adventures with him, pushing his limits with us. These little things make us love him even more, and we really couldn't imagine life without him. 

Today, he is going to spend some time with his momma, and then afterwork we are going to throw a little soirĂ©e for him and BBQ (in the rain, in true Saskatchewan fashion!), have an ice-cream cake and play with his new toys!  

Here's a letter I wrote today for Otys:

25 April 2012

Dear Otys,

Two years ago, I became daddy to the best little guy ever. The journey we have been on together so far, has been so life changing for me. Each day, while you are learning new things, you are teaching your daddy new things. Your first year, you learned how to sit, how to hold your head, focus your eyes, grasp things, stand and walk, to name a few. Your second year has been so much more. You and I have encountered so many things together. I have heard you say "dada" for the first time, watched your face when you tried solid foods for the first time, held you when you fell while learning to climb the stairs, played many games of cars and soccer with you, watched so much treehouse tv I can recite all of the theme songs before they even start, and so much more.

Little boy, each day is a journey with you that I am so glad I get to be on and watch you learn the things you learn. You teach me how to be a better man and a better daddy for you and MIss E, how to be more patient and understanding, and how to help you learn the things you need to learn. I am so looking forward to what this next year, and the years to come, will bring that I can't even put it into words. It doesn't matter how old you are, you'll always be my little guy. 

I hope you have a great birthday today buddy. Even though it seems like we have done so much already together, we have just started to open the many doors of adventure that are out there. We won't get to open them all, but we will have fun opening the one's we can.

Have a good 2nd birthday little buddy. 

Trust birth and put your family first,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Boy and His Dog

I was raised with an animal in my home from as far back as I can remember, so it was without question that animals would be a part of the lives of my children. They teach you friendship, loyalty, trust, love, guidance and are a great companion. Such is true for the O-man and our loyal boxer, Balsym. Our dogs were in the house when our kids were born, and were two of the first to meet O-man and Baby Girl E. The bond that Balsym has with O-man right now is unbreakable, and although he gets under her skin sometimes, he is her best friend. For those of you who know about the personality of a Boxer, they are often called clown dogs. Playful until the day they pass, turning a sock into a fun game of chase, and an egg carton into whirlwind of a mess, Balsym the boxer is a perfect match to her mischievous little buddy, O-man.

As I have shared with you, the O-man is learning so much, and turning into such a little boy. He notices so much, puts his words into 4 letter sentences, understands more and more each day and is always on the ready for a "ugg" (hug) or a "kiss". 

Well, today as J gets things ready for not only our fundraiser tonight, but our road-trip (the first one with the Baby Girl), she took the kids to drop of Balsym at our trusted "doggie hotel", Paws Awhile in Saskatoon. This is routine for us when we go on trips. Balsym needs about as much attention as our two kids, so to be fair to her and the people we are visiting (this time, my inlaws), we leave her in the good hands of the staff at Paws Awhile. Today, was a little different for J however. I received a phone call that my little boy was a little sad after the drop off. He went in with his mom to leave Balsym, and when the staff person took her away, started screaming "Balsym, no. Come Balsym!", and he cried. This left the staff person feeling miserable, and our B-girl wanting to stay with her buddy.

In the end, the O-man got better and Balsym went to the doggie hotel. As you can probably attest if you have an animal, they truly become a part of your family. When they have the opportunity to grow with your children like Balsym and Maaia have, they become a furry sibling. This big girl has a heart of gold, and truly loves everyone she meets. Her buddy O will be delighted when we pick her up on Monday, and the whole family will be back together again!

Sending peace and love this holiday season. Safe travels and enjoy the memories with your families, wherever you are this season!

Trust birth, and put your family first.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Word of Wednesday with the O-man!

Happy Wednesday everyone! Two more work days, and it is officially the Easter season. A time for peace and reflection, and to enjoy the most precious gifts of all, our children and families.

This weeks word comes at a time when families are preparing for the Easter feast, or getting ready to hide treats from the Easter Bunny for the little ones. It is a word we all use quite frequently, and one that my son figured out some time ago, to my astonishment. As you know, I am quite intrigued by toddler-speak. The words they pick up, the cute and garbled sentences toddlers put together, their parrot-like reflexes on words that they shouldn't no, nor say! Each day, my wife and I learn something new through the O-man's language and grow ever more proud of the little boy he is growing into. His favourite thing to do is eat, so I thought that because of this, and because of Easter festivities approaching this word would be a great addition to this weekly post. Here it is:

O-man - "lishus"
Adult translation - "de-licious"

What crazy word does your little one say?

From my family to yours, I wish you a very peaceful and relaxing Easter break.

Trust birth, and put your family first.