Thursday, January 24, 2013

#DADuary 2013 A

Wow! Still really late in my publishing for DADuary 2013. Life is really busy these days, and I wouldn't change it for anything! I write these up in advance (well, except for my usual intros) and then it apparently takes me some time to actually get on her to post them. Anyway, continuing with DADuary 2013, here is my week 3 post. I'm going to try and post week 4 on Saturday, hold me to it!

A. Adventure out with the wife and/or family I chose the wife on this one, it had been some time since we have gone out alone.

I write this after a wonderful "date-day" with my lovely wife. After teaching Bootcamp for New Dads this morning, I zoomed home to get some time in with my kids, while excitedly readying myself for our upcoming date. Thanks to my parents for spending the afternoon and part of the evening with the kids!

J and I decided to take in a movie and after taking a look through the listings at Galaxy downtown, we chose Les Misérables. Without going into a formal review (which I plan to do), I will say this production was brilliant. While it was a little long, and some of the singing was questionable, the story felt so real and the acting and singing was phenomenal. Kudos to the director and the cast on this one! We left the theatre still thinking and talking about the tear-jerker of a movie, and deciding we would like to purchase the DVD.

After our movie, we headed over to our favourite all-you-can eat Sushi place downtown, and finished off the evening with our favourite food and some quality time together. When we go out, we do our best to not talk about the kids, but talk about each other. Those of you with kids of your own, know that this can be a challenge, and for the most part we were successful!

I know that J and I will be doing more of these "adventures" in the near-future. Not only are they a lot of fun, but it is really important for two parents to remember that they need to take care of each other as much as their kids, so finding time for one-another is key.

Happy DADuary everyone,

Monday, January 14, 2013

#DADuary 2013 E

I didn't get around to publishing week two at the end of last week. My lovely wife works casual in a Nursing home, while running a daycare full-time, and was on night's this weekend. I had a blast hanging out with my kids, while mom slept. We enjoyed some daddy time while we played and cuddled over some movies.

And now, to DADuary...

E - Encourage other dads. Do something special for another dad.

I guess this one was easy, since I do it every day. Since starting Bootcamp for New Dads this past June, under the guidance of my colleague Lisa at Birth Rhythms in Saskatoon, I have had the privilege of being able to offer unique father support to new and expecting dads. One day, I'd like to make a career out of helping other dads and families, but for now, it can be my "passion on-the-side". Today, I was able to help an expecting dad and answer some questions for him about fatherhood, labour and delivery, and supporting his wife. I get really excited when I have these conversations and really put a lot of passion into it. After some chatting, I convinced, encouraged rather, him to attend Bootcamp for New Dads and will be seeing him soon.

Also this week, I will be kicking of the 2013 session of Bootcamp for New Dads and helping another group of dads-to-be on their journey towards fatherhood. There is still time to register

Later this week I'll be publishing #DADuary 2013 Week 3 - Adventure out with the wife and/or family. I'll probably have an adventure (a.k.a. Date night sans kids) with just my wife on Friday, maybe dinner and a movie and then adventure with the O-man and Miss E on the weekend, which is what we love to do.

In fatherhood,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


A fellow dad and blogger over at is leading a really cool initiative called #DADuary2013, which is an opportunity to not only get excited about being a dad in 2013, but to celebrate all forms of dadhood. See Joe's post here:

This post will cover week 1, as I missed it last week and I will post on week 2 on Friday or Saturday. Here is the basic info for DADuary2013 from

"2013 is a Year to REACH Farther:

I do not believe that as Dads we should strive to be like Moms.  We are different, and that does not mean we are better or worse, but just different.  The idea to reach farther is calling for dads, ALL dads, to be more, and to raise the bar of the Dadhood during DADuary.  Each letter of REACH corresponds to a theme for a week in DADuary:
 R.  Respect the role of Dad – Find value in your position as a Dad.  
E.  Encourage other Dads – Do something special for another Dad.
A.  Adventure out with the wife and/or family – Do something special for your wife, or with your kids.
C.  Connect to other Dads – Find your support group next door or online.
H.  Be a HERO!  Do something special for a child that is not directly yours!"
How cool, eh? Like many of you, the best thing that ever happened to me was becoming a dad. Seeing my kids in the morning, no matter how grumpy or happy they are, gives me the get up and go that I need to get through the day on perhaps only a few hours of sleep. They make me proud to be who I am and to do what I do. They made me decide to create this blog and help other men enjoy fatherhood as much as I do. Spread the word about #DADuary2013, and let's celebrate fatherhood!

R. Respect the role of Dad - Find value in your position as a Dad.

As you know, I am the father of a busy 2 1/2 year old boy and a beautiful 1 year old little girl. Since the day they were born I have valued my position as their father. I also value education, and my position as a Dad is to not only be sure they place value in education academically, but also socially, personally, respectfully, and so on. 

My goal as a Dad of a little boy is to teach him to be proud of who he feels he is. To teach him to respect everyone as he wishes to be respected, especially to respect and love his mother and his sister. To teach him that it is okay to cry, even though he is a boy. I could go on with what I want to teach him as a Dad, but nothing will matter more then what he sees me do each day. I need to teach myself to continue to be a positive role model for him and his sister, to always love his mother and respect her, to show him how to react to negative situations and to show him how I am proud to be who I am, and proud of him. This is the best thing any dad can give to his son and it is a Job I find great honour in being given.

I am blessed with what some call, "the million dollar family" - the father of a boy and a girl. Some new and unique challenges come with being the father of a daughter - challenges that I do not take lightly and challenges that I accept, proudly. My baby girl is so beautiful and I am so proud of her already. I want to teach her much of the same things I want for my son, but most importantly, I want to show and teach her how she DESERVES to be treated as a little girl and a young woman. I will do this by treating her mother in this way, and showing my baby girl how all women deserve and value to be treated. I will also teach her to love herself for who she is, and not let the media decide on how she should look or what she should do. Like I will do with my son, if she chooses to do or play with things that are not "stereotypically" for girls, that is fine. She will not be judged by her mother or I, and if she is judged by others, she will know to not let those things bug her. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and their judgment means nothing. If she is proud of who she is and what she does, than that is all that matters. 

These are huge challenges that I am setting for myself as a Dad, challenges that I look forward to as I raise my children in a sometimes cruel world. I want them to be understanding, respectful of everyone, compassionate, caring individuals who are proud to be who they are and look forward to the new adventures each day brings.

So spread the word and participate in #DADuary 2013 and embrace fatherhood to the fullest!

In fatherhood,

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Birthday Miss Ezzy!

I have been making a point to write a letter to my kids on their birthday's. My plan is to package them up when they each turn 18 and give them a little booklet of love from their dad.

Here is my first letter to Esmée on her 1st birthday. A little late in getting it published, but here it is.

In fatherhood,

                                              December 22nd, 2012 Your 1st Birthday

Dear Esmée,

Wow, I cannot believe you are 1 already! In just twelve short months you have grown from a teeny little newborn baby girl, into a beautiful little girl that I am so proud of already. From the moment your mom and I found out we were having you, our little girl, I was ecstatic. Every dad wants his own little girl to care for, to watch grow, to respect, to love and to teach how she deserves to be treated. Years away I know, but I want you to grow up to know that you are beautiful no matter what others say. You are beautiful because you are and always will be loved just for being you. 

I enjoy every day with you, watching you learn how to navigate your surroundings in new ways - crawling into trouble, climbing onto things you shouldn't climb on, screaming when Otys touches your dress! All of these things make you my little Miss Ezzy and every time you climb into trouble as a little 1 year old, I chuckle and laugh. My favourite thing to do with you is to have blabbering baby talk conversations with you. I say "ba" and you say "DA-DA!", we blabber in a language that only you and I understand, and I love every minute of it. 

Ezzy, we have only spent a year together, but you have given me so much joy and you and your brother truly make getting up to start each day, such an exciting adventure. I am looking forward to watching you grow even more and developing a bond with you that only a dad and his daughter can have. You are my little blue-eyed beauty, and I am so very proud of you. 

Thanks for being you Miss Ezzy. Happy 1st Birthday.
